Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Soul Mate (Leah)

So as a good Mormon girl, I don't really believe in "soul mates" but I do believe you can find a man who more closely matches what you need/want more than not. At this age, though, it's easy to believe that NO one will ever be a very good match. When I say "match" I guess I mean someone that has all your values and complements you in a perfectly balanced way allowing you to shine and feel like the best you ever. Hmmm, as I type this I feel like I'm sounding like someone who has given up the dream - like someone NOT in love. Well, I'm not. Phil is good and we're connecting but more and more I'm finding areas where we're rather different. So I started reading a book about knowing if the guy you are dating is a good match - the book calls him a "soul mate." I don't want to throw the book out all together, but I do have in mind the principle that any good woman and any good man can make a rather good couple. I'm just in that stage with Phil where I want to know more NOW so that I don't fall deeper in and don't get hurt and don't hurt him, etc. The areas where we're different are in those gray areas that aren't exactly major values but could be. So I'm asking myself which things are really most important to me. How do I really define myself - that sort of thing. But when I talk to married people about this they keep saying things like, "That's minor - you can deal with that - don't give up a really great thing for something only sort of great - don't trade your eternity for something so temporal...." You following? Probably you've been there. Well, I'm there - again. When will this get easier? I think this is where we start questioning how much we value our freedom and independence as single people and question our life long goal of getting married. It reminds me of the song: "Who's on the Lord's Side Who." Like a post I made earlier - I'm going to forget Phil and forget me and just try to be on the Lord's side - not obsessed with dating. :) Wish me luck.


Scully said...

I don't believe in soul mates anymore either. Maybe your question should be, "Is HE on the Lord's side too?" Because if you're both on the Lord's side then you'll want to be compassionate and forgiving to each other and that's more than half the battle right there. Hey, that sounded pretty good didn't it?

Bryan said...

Leah, You can be my blogging, online soulmate. I always like what you say to the masses. I also wanted you to blush again. Did it work?

Leah said...

Yes Bryan - what girl doesn't blush at a compliment? Thanks for the kindness. I wonder if you're as much of a flirt in real life.

Bryan said...

That would probably be more the truth than not. I am a harmless flirt though.

Anonymous said...

So does believing in soul mates make someone a not-so-good-Mormon-girl? Seems like you are comparing apples and oranges with that comment. One has nothing to do with the other.

Anonymous said...

I'm a good Mormon girl, and I believe in soul that wrong? I can pinpoint specific people that I know transcend typical friendship/relationships and consider them a soulmate.. have a few of them in my life right now...and maybe Leah and Bryan are soulmates....things that make you go...hmm?

Anonymous said...

Pray about it. That is; make a decision then ask God.

Pray Always............